Students should orally practice the lists of words in this book to learn the sounds presented. Students should repeat the words following the recording or the teacher.
The list of sentences also should be read aloud to practice creating the appropriate sounds. The sentences are also used as visual exercises that can help students remember the correct sound by placing the appropriate symbol over the word, i.e., ā or ă, or /b/ or /v/ above the word. These are nonsensical sentences used to practice pronunciation and not intended as truth or advice. The sentence might be marked like this:
ă ā ă ă ā ā
Dad paid for the land more than a day ago.
Remember, the word “a” can either be pronounced ā or ŭ and the word “ago” is pronounced /ŭgō/. On the recordings the sentences are read both slowly so that the sounds can be easily copied and at a normal rate.
Finally, a section is concluded by a story. The story emphasizes the sound being worked on. When reading the story, concentrate on this sound. Like the sentences, the story is at first read slowly for easy copying. The story is also read at a normal speed.
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There are over 200 audio files available for downloading with the purchase of this book. The files give explanations to the sounds and the lists, sentences and stories are read for their proper pronunciation. The sentences and stories are recorded twice—once at a normal speed and a second time at a slow speed for easier imitating.